As a self-employed artist, I have my own time at my disposal and have the openness to adapt to different situations and to approach people open-heartedly. I have no previous experience as an exhibition hostess. Nevertheless, I have been able to gain experience in the event industry, as I trained as an event manager for 1 year. Working in the NRW area, I have pursued various career paths [language lecturer; waitress; sales advisor; food production; project assistant; office manager; dance trainer] to gain a variety of experiences and to find a balance between my artistic work and other activities.
All of these career paths helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are: independence, responsibility, creativity and patience. On the other hand, my weakness is not being able to ask for enough help and delegate.
Due to my artistic background I was able to gain experience as a photo and video model, choreographer and in the performing arts.