VIP hostess at BayArena 2019, trade fair hostess at Dmexco Cologne 2019, Kind+Jugendmesse Cologne 2019, Anuga 2019, numerous jobs as promoter (e.g. for SWB, Ikea, CHANGE Lingerie etc.). ) Fair hostess and service employee at the Caravan Salon Düsseldorf 2020-Fair hostess at the Anuga 2019 (Koelnmesse)- Fair hostess at the Dmexco 2019 (Koelnmesse)- Fair hostess at the Kind+Jugend fair 2019 (Koelnmesse)- VIP hostess in the BayArena via Lagadère Plus- Promotion Ikea (handicraft actions with children and Machmidsommat) via Lagadère Plus- Hostess Merkur Spiel- Arena (Düsseldorf) -Diverse promotions with distribution action e. g. Promotion for SWB- Promotion for CHANGE Lingerie- Promotion for PME Legends- Cashier jobs at Edeka and Alnatura- Cashier jobs, stocking shelves and customer service at DEPOT- Acting experience (theater)- Self-employed make-up artist (mainly for festive occasions)